About Me

Hi! nice to me you, traveller!

My name is Susanna from Milano and I am an intrepid traveller, a passionate content creator and a travel blogger. Diving, taking pictures and go on safaris are part of my life. I understood, since I was a teenager, that my passion for animals, photography and exploration will lead me to something different than a ‘standard job’.

So, after college, I started to work in the field of events organization that gave me the right ‘forma mentis’ to become a planner. I also started to produce travels for me and my friends. The step was quick when a company asked me to do tailor made travels for their customers. I started to work as a freelance and I never stopped!

Now I spend half of the year travelling with my boyfriend Marco around the world and the other part in Italy/Switzerland where I work as tour leader for the incoming and personal travel consultant. 

Travel is  fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.

Mark Twain

Is it the life-style I supposed to have? Probably not! 
Is it the one I choose? Absolutely Yes!!!

I created this page to inspire you to explore the World and discover new itineraries.

My motto is: “if a travel didn’t change you, It was just a standard vacation”