Mads Lange, Capella resort Ubud, Bali, INDONESIA

We had a lunch is this beautiful tent restaurant, surrounded by the beauty of Capella Hotel in Bali.

The respect of the elements is perfectly merged with the taste of the Island. Balinese cuisine is a mix of spices, blended with tasty vegetables, meat and fish. We tried almost everything they had on the menù 🙂 accompained by tea and infusions made with flowers.

They produce their own bread and, as an italian, it is a super plus eheh. We had some marinated salmon with quail eggs, fish in soutè with spices, some ravioli lobster with mango, prawn with a touch of lemongrass and coconut and some crispy tempeh.

Everything delicious!

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Capella Ubud, Bali, INDONESIA

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